Thursday, September 23, 2010

Im back=)

It's been so long since I've used this blog I forgot that I had one! I'm not much of a blogger, I guess I don't think my life is exciting enough for anyone to want to read about. lol. Besides go to class, go to work, doing homework and doing sorority stuff I get about 25 free hours in the week. And I try to spend those resting. Oh the life of a college student. I guess it will be worth it when Im making money one day. lol. Until then I will just learn to live the overworked, overstressed, underpayed, underappreciated life. I heard a preacher say one time "I've done so much for so long with so little that I am now qualified to do anything with nothing." I never understood that until I came to college. I had never had to go hungry before because I had to pay a bill, or get up and go to work with a fever and feeling like absolute death before... until I came to college. I've thought many times about quitting, but I couldn't imagine staying in the job I'm in now for the rest of my life. So until I graduate and get a real job, I will keep praying that the government sees me fit for a financial air refund that is more than $29.57 while hoping that my boss thinks I do a good enough job to deserve a bonus. Until Im rich... Hayley=)